What Do The 12 Houses Mean In Astrology?


What are Astrology Houses?

In the astrological context houses mean twelve sections of the sky that are assigned to certain areas. Each house represents different corners of a person’s life, personal preference, career, and health. This house system is one of the important parts of astrology and is used to find the positions of the planets and also to find how they affect a person’s life. 

The Significance of Astrology 12 Houses

In the realms of Astrology, houses have a very important place. They allow people to know themselves better, their strengths and weaknesses. Every cabin is a depiction of a particular period of a person’s life and exposes features of their character and life events. 

  1. Aries: Self, Identity, Beginnings, Courage, Assertiveness
  2. Taurus: Values, Possessions, Material Security, Sensuality, Earthly Delights
  3. Gemini: Communication, Learning, Curiosity, Adaptability, Variety
  4. Cancer: Home, Family, Emotions, Nurturing, Sensitivity
  5. Leo: Creativity, Self-Expression, Pride, Royalty, Romance
  6. Virgo: Work, Health, Service, Organization, Perfectionism
  7. Libra: Partnership, Harmony, Balance, Beauty, Justice
  8. Scorpio: Intimacy, Transformation, Power, Mystery, Depth
  9. Sagittarius: Travel, Philosophy, Higher Learning, Optimism, Adventure
  10. Capricorn: Career, Status, Ambition, Discipline, Responsibility
  11. Aquarius: Innovation, Independence, Humanitarianism, Eccentricity, Freedom
  12. Pisces: Spirituality, Dreams

Here’s what each of the 12 houses represents:

Besides that, the first house stands for the self-meaning the soul including personality, the way the person looks, and the whole image of the person. The second home is those of the money, property, and material belongings which are the source of financial resources. The third house stands for communication, brothers, and short-distance travel. The 4th house stands for the house and family; the 5th house stands for self-expression, creative pursuits, and romantic relationships

Health, work, and kind of relationship are reflected in the sixth house, whereas the seventh house is where marriage, partnership, and relationships are found. 

The eighth house is a symbol of joint resources such as investments, inheritance, and other people’s money. House 9 relates to the spiritual dimension of one’s life, as well as to higher learning and international travel. The tenth house is associated with one’s occupation or profession, public image, and status in society. 

The eleventh house is the one that represents friendships, groups, and social networks, while the twelfth house is the one that is about the subconscious, secrets, and self-undoing, respectively. Establishing the different houses and their significance is among the critical things in reading of an astrological chart.  It is important to understand the meaning and orientation of the signs and planets to understand the effect of each house on the lives of the individuals. 

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The Importance of Each 12 Houses

Greatly downplaying the significance of each house which makes for an integral component of shaping the life journey of an individual cannot be overemphasized. For instance, Plutonian influences the fourth which governs the family and home environment. Its position in an individual’s natal chart can reveal the nuances of their connection with their family and the extent of their feeling of security and stability. 

Likewise, the seventh house signifies personal relationships, friendships, and partnerships, and its positioning in the natal chart of an individual supplies the details that can explain their state of affairs and ability to form long-term partnerships. 

Generally, knowing the meaning of the entire list of houses and how they link to a certain person’s life is completely inevitable in the decoding of the course of planets in a birth chart. 

12 Houses Diagram:

Zodiac chart for 2023

(in emoji form)
2023 Dates
CapricornDecember 20 (2022) – January 19
AquariusJanuary 20– February 17
PiscesFebruary 18 – March 19
AriesMarch 20 – April 19
TaurusApril 20 – May 20
GeminiMay 21 – June 20
CancerJune 21 – July 22
LeoJuly 23 – August 22
VirgoAugust 23 – September 22
LibraSeptember 23 – October 22
ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21
SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21


Astrology houses are a very important element of astrological terminology that offers explanations of various parts of a person’s life and personality. The meaning of each house and its position in a person’s birth chart/Natal Chart is key in explaining his life experiences and how the planets’ positions affect him. 

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