Cartomancy Card Meanings and Combinations

Cartomancy Card Meanings And Combinations A complete Guide
Cartomancy Card Meanings And Combinations A complete Guide



Cartomancy Card Meanings and Combinations: Cartomancy is the practice of predicting past, present, and future with the art of divination using cards. This done by cards, which may vary but the most popular one is by the use of – “Tarot deck“. Tarot is rich in history and symbolism. This makes them an excellent tool for divination. Let’s explore the meanings and combinations of cartomancy cards, with a particular focus on the Tarot deck and see what Cartomancy Card Meanings and Combinations have for us:

The Major Arcana

A set of 22 cards that represent significant events and archetypes. Each card has a specific meaning and symbolism which can provide insight into a person’s life. For example, the Fool card represents new beginnings, while the Death card represents change and transformation.

The Minor Arcana

A 56 cards deck, divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Where each suit represents a different life aspect. And each card has its own unique meaning. For example, the Ace of Wands represents new beginnings and creativity, while the Ten of Pentacles represents financial stability and security.

Combining Cards

Combining cards in a cartomancy reading can provide deeper insight into a person’s life. The most common way to combine cards is through a spread, such as the Celtic Cross. The Celtic Cross spread is a ten-card spread that provides a comprehensive look at a person’s past, present, and future. Each position in the spread represents a different aspect of life, such as love, career, or spirituality.

Understanding the Connection Between Cards

When reading card combinations, it is essential to understand the connection between the cards. The cards’ placement in the spread and their proximity to one another can provide clues to their relationship. For example, cards that appear in adjacent positions may be related, while cards that appear opposite each other may represent opposing forces.

Analyzing Card Meanings

To read card combinations effectively, you must also analyze the meanings of each card. Pay attention to the keywords and symbolism of each card and how they relate to the question or situation at hand. For example, if you are asking about a romantic relationship and draw the Two of Cups (representing love and partnership) and the Ten of Swords (representing betrayal and pain), it could indicate a painful breakup or a betrayal within the relationship.

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Common Card Combinations

Here are some examples of common card combinations and their interpretations:

The Lovers and the Two of Cups: These cards together often represent a deep romantic connection or soulmate relationship.
The Tower and the Three of Swords: These cards together may indicate a sudden and unexpected loss or betrayal that leads to heartbreak and pain.
The Empress and the Ace of Pentacles: These cards together may represent the birth of a new project or business that will be successful and prosperous.
The Five of Cups and the Ten of Swords: These cards together indicate a period of deep sadness and loss, but they also suggest that healing and transformation are possible.

Cartomancy Card Meanings And Combinations A complete Guide
Cartomancy Card Meanings And Combinations A complete Guide


The 3-Card Reading Method

The 3-card reading method is a classic tarot spread that can be used for various questions and situations. It involves drawing three cards and interpreting their meanings in relation to the past, present, and future. Here’s how to perform a 3-card reading:

  • Shuffle the deck of tarot cards and focus on your question or intention.
  • Draw three cards from the deck and place them with face down in a row from left to right.
  • Turn over the first card. Interpret its meaning in relation to the past. This card may represent past events, influences, or energies that have led to the current situation.
  • Turn over the second card and interpret its meaning in relation to the present. This card may represent current circumstances, challenges, or opportunities.
  • Turn over the third card and interpret its meaning in relation to the future. This card may represent potential outcomes or energies that may manifest in the future.

Interpreting Card Meanings

When interpreting the meanings in a 3-card reading, it is important to consider each card’s symbolism, keywords, and position.
Here are some examples of card meanings and interpretations:

  • The Fool: Represents new beginnings, taking risks, and stepping into the unknown. In a past position, it may indicate a time of adventure or starting fresh. In a present position, it may suggest taking a leap of faith or embracing new opportunities. In a future position, it may indicate potential for growth and expansion.
  • The Tower: Represents sudden upheaval, chaos, and destruction. In a past position, it may indicate a significant event or trauma that has had a lasting impact. In a present position, it may suggest a current crisis or challenge that requires a new perspective or approach. In a future position, it may indicate the need to prepare for unexpected change or upheaval.
  • The Star: Represents hope, inspiration, and healing. In a past position, it may indicate a time of inner reflection or spiritual awakening. In a present position, it may suggest a time of healing and renewal or the need to focus on inner guidance and intuition. In a future position, it may indicate a time of hope and inspiration or the manifestation of long-held dreams.

TOPIC: Cartomancy Card Meanings and Combinations

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune, tenth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. The card has various figures and symbols – Sphinx, the snake, and the Anubis. This card suggesting that life is constantly moving and thus evolving.

Meanings of the Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune card has various meanings in a tarot reading, but these meaning varies by its position in the spread and the question being asked. Some interpretations are:

  • Change: It suggests that nothing is permanent, and everything is constantly in flux. The Wheel of Fortune represents the constant movement in life and the inevitability of change.
  • Ups and Downs: The card also represents the ups and downs of life. When the wheel is in an upward position, it indicates good luck, prosperity, and positive outcomes. When it is in a downward position, it indicates challenges, setbacks, and negative outcomes.
  • Destiny: It suggests that certain events and circumstances are unavoidable, but that one’s attitude and actions can affect the outcome. The Wheel of Fortune also represents destiny and fate.
  • Turning Point: It talks about the opportunity which may come to make a significant change and the taken decisions will affect the future. The card can also indicate a turning point or a pivotal moment in one’s life.

Interpreting the Wheel of Fortune Card in a Tarot Reading

When interpreting the Wheel of Fortune card it is important to consider its position in the spread. Here are some possible interpretations:

  • In a past position, the card may indicate a significant event or turning point in the querent’s past that has led to the current situation.
  • In a present position, the card may indicate that the querent is currently experiencing a period of change or transition, and that they should be open to new opportunities and possibilities.
  • In a future position, the card may indicate that the querent will face a significant turning point in the near future, and that they should embrace change and take risks.


Cartomancy is a fascinating practice. It provide valuable insights into a person’s life. By understanding the meanings and combinations of cartomancy cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the Tarot deck is an excellent tool for exploring the mysteries of cartomancy.

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What is Cartomancy?

Cartomancy is a form of divination which uses playing cards for insight into the past, present, and future. It is similar to tarot reading, but with has different set of symbols and meanings.

What Do the Suits Represent?

In cartomancy, the suits of the playing cards represent different aspects of life. Here is a brief overview of the meanings of each suit:
Hearts: emotions, love, relationships, creativity
Clubs: work, career, finances, communication
Diamonds: material possessions, wealth, security, values
Spades: challenges, obstacles, endings, transformation

What Do the Numbers and Face Cards Mean?

In cartomancy, the numbered cards (2-10) represent different stages or degrees of the energy of the suit, while the face cards (Jack, Queen, King) represent people or personalities. Here are some general meanings for each face card:
Jack: a young person, a messenger, someone with energy and enthusiasm
Queen: a mature woman, a nurturer, someone with emotional intelligence
King: a mature man, a leader, someone with authority and power.

What Are Some Common Card Combinations?

There are many possible card combinations in cartomancy, each with its own unique meaning. Here are a few examples:
Ace of Hearts and King of Diamonds: Success in love and finances
Queen of Spades and King of Hearts: A difficult decision or choice related to love or relationships
Two of Clubs and Seven of Diamonds: A new job or business opportunity that leads to financial gain
Three of Hearts and Four of Clubs: A creative project or endeavor that requires hard work and perseverance.

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